
Friday 26 October 2007

Just Ask...Nicely

Exercise: Run
Food: Four very ripe bananas, mango and banana pudding, a few dates, quite a few almonds

I have been away on a course in the Hertfordshire countryside. It was a real treat to be surrounded by plenty of greenery, plus was able to go for runs and long walks every day I was there. Prior to the trip I was a little concerned about the 'eating arrangements'. But decided that instead of seeing it as problem, to just tell them my needs, and find out what was on offer.

As it happens there was a salad bar every lunchtime, and creative stuff too, chopped cucumber and cherry tomatoes, beetroot, baby greens etc. And that is quite something for conference catering. I decided to not bother with breakfast and simply eat my first meal of the day at noon. I'd lugged a whole load of fruit - bananas, dates and pears, and avocados to supplement the salads. I determined that come what may I needed to use up these supplies, as it was not an option to lug the bag back home at the end of the course.

I had salad at lunchtime and thus blended in easily, pardon the pun. For dinner I had asked for salad instead of the 'hot' option. The evening version was rather 'simpler'. The first evening I got lettuce and tomato, so I promptly whisked out an avocado from my bag. But each evening there was a particular lady who would bring me my salad and she would look for me with a smile. And I could tell some effort was going into making it more interesting for me. Because carrots sticks, celery and red peppers appeared later. I really was looked after. Of course I attracted some attention, particular when avocados kept appearing. But I just side-stepped the questioning. There was one guest though who had apparently been half-way to vegan-ville, before getting married earlier in the year. So we talked about that and then she mentioned that some of her friends had radically changed their dietary habits. And I recognised she was alluding to raw eating. We'll keep in touch. I have no problem talking about raw but always try to be mindful of the time and the place.

I have to say I did feel the effect (in more ways than one)of not having as much fruit as I would have liked. Ideally I would have loved a big banana and mango smoothie, or just a load of bananas for dinner. But that wasn't going to happen, the bananas in the fruit bowl were green. And I couldn't have brought any more fruit without an extra pair of arms to maneouver it. Yes, there were shops in 'town' but their fruit wasn't ripe enough.

But all in all I was able to stay completely raw except for one day when I added some potato which was the best option for me at the time. So I learnt the importance of preparing mentally, and practically for what I wanted. And I clearly stated my needs. There was always the risk that they might not have been met, but it was up to me to articulate them.

If you don't ask, you don't get. (It's good to be home, I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see brown-spotted bananas in all my life).

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...