
Wednesday 3 October 2007

Going Bananas

Exercise: run, pushups
Food: 500g of dates, green smoothie (bananas, blueberries, mango and spinach), 8 bananas, huge green salad with tomatoes, avocado, celery and cucumber and herb and lime dressing, 2 more bananas, 25g pistachios and 6 more bananas!

The bananas were perfectly ripened so they had that full creamy, sweet taste. Did a lot of running up and down today, full of commitments may explain increased energy needs. Was surfing the net and came across an article in the Guardian about raw foods. It was rather disparaging. It knocked me a bit and showed how easy it is to present something in a negative light. The article used words like 'ultra-restrictive', 'faddish' etc. But if someone is enjoying eating raw, is quite clearly flourishing in every arena and is so sure of their 'why'. ISN'T THAT A GOOD THING?...HELLO

Anyway rant over, I am a pioneer and a visionary and that's okay with me;0

Top tip for improved health - chew your food until it is as smooth as pureed banana.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...