
Tuesday 30 October 2007

It's Just An Emotion

Exercise: Bodyweight stuff
Food: Pineapple and spinach juice, 7 bananas, salad -cucumber, tomatoes and avocado with herby dressing, in the evening a few nuts and dates.

Have continued to wait until 12noon to eat and it feels good. Didn't get to post yesterday because of Internet problems. Yesterday went dancing, and had spinach and mango smoothie at noon followed by 7 very ripe bananas, late afternoon about 4pm same salad as above with a tomato dressing, and before 7pm some dates. I wasn't that into the dates, taste for them may be tailing off.

As well as eating from noon, I'm now by and large stopping eating by 7pm. May vary depending on what I'm doing on any given day and what time I'm going to bed.

Started and finished reading a book on Sunday, by Randy Gage, called 'why you're dumb, sick and broke'. I don't agree with everything in it, but there's a lot to work with. It emphasises what I've said before about always knowing why you are doing something. And the fact you will be more successful in the venture if it is linked to your values. Gage argues that your values, should inform the principles that you live by. And any decisons made should be based on your principles and thought through to their logical conclusion. This he says is a more conscious way of living and brings more happiness. And helps us not to be at the beck and call of our emotions. An example you value health, so one of the principles you live by is that you will always invest in your health using the best knowledge available. You find out about raw food, because of your principle you must decide whether to go raw. Thinking it through to its natural conclusion you understand the benefits of eating this way, and not to proceed would mean you would not be congruent with your values, so the decision is made you will go raw. You may falter, but you know 'why' which is your motivation.

My take is that we all have emotions and some of us are more emotional than others. As great as they are, emotions do need direction or we can find ourselves being tossed and turned all day and all night long. So for example with eating raw, when you start to agonise about whether you are doing it right, getting enough this or that etc. You can speak some truth to your emotions, telling them that you value your health, and of all the options available this seems to be the best fit for now, and that you will continue to seek, and listen to your body and make changes as necessary.

This will help bring peace, and help your emotions to work with you and not against you.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...