
Tuesday 29 April 2008

Yes For Yoga

Exercise: Yoga, escalators
Food: Water

I started my yoga class again after a six week break plus Easter hols. This was due to the fact that when I went to sign up in Jan it had already filled up. As it happens it was a blessing in disguise as I was asked to help out on a project which ran through that period so it would have clashed.

But I have missed it (I know I can do it on my own, but really like the discipline of a class and the tutor is fantastic) and I only realised how much after today's session. I thought I might struggle with the food sabbatical that I'm on! But it was amazingly fulfiling, if not necessary easy. I felt much more present, although very glad when we moved from the leg exercises to the floor!!

And even now as I stab at my keyboard I feel very serene. To the point I just want to sit in silence, no music, learning audio or youtube. I don't even want to read my emails so I'm not. Although I did a bit of virtual house-keeping before I left for my class so don't anticipate there are many, if any.

I am currently feasting on my Living Nutrition magazines (now known as 'Vibrance'). And it's such a pleasure, I actually felt slightly disappointed when my tube stop arrived as I had to put my mag away! You probably get that I read A LOT. You'd be right. I absolutely love learning and it's simply fabulous to recognise it as one of my core needs. Because I'm able to indulge to my heart's content and its bringing such amazing blessings.

Anyway one of the articles was by Shelley sharing how she healed from debilitating side effects from using a particular birth control method. Read more here www.rawandjuicy.com

Well I'm off for some serene sleep, and I wish you the same. I'll leave with this Irish blessing I read in Living Nutrition.

Whenever there is happiness
Hope you'll be there too,
Wherever there are friendly smiles
Hope they'll smile on you,
Whenever there is sunshine,
Hope it shines for you.

Sunday 27 April 2008

All or Nothing?

Exercise: Escalators
Food: Water

Sometimes in the raw food movement it can seem if you're not 100% raw you're not 'there'. And there are stories of well known raw-fooders who say they went from a typical western diet to 100% raw overnight. It doesn't actually mean that much in itself, the thing that matters is your motivation and getting the results you want. And most importantly the lessons you are learning.

The thing is you don't want to be doing things through sheer willpower eventually it will seem such a drag. Your will is something you use to make a decision, it's strong desire that keeps you going. That's why it's so important to know your 'why'. That way 'failing' at times won't bother you. But if you are a perfectionist you will find failing very painful!

I used to be a perfectionist when I was a kid growing up. This was linked to the people-pleasing until again I realised I could lose that behaviour, it may have served me well at one point but by then it was stressful. And I'm glad I did!!

Without a doubt raw fresh fruit and veggies are the food of choice for humans, with some nuts and seeds. The evidence is all over the place. Read some of the links to the right. Some raw menus also include raw bean, sunflower seed and veggie sprouts and raw grains. I think if you're drawn to any of this all you can do eat and then see what your body does and how you feel. For me that is part of the fun of this journey getting great insights and making adjustments. I simply cannot ignore the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional benefits I'm experiencing. But also the potential for the big picture stuff, world hunger, the environment and living sustainably.

The health benefits of eating raw biologically appropriate foods are well documented, see this link for more info from Roger H, and also his great table comparing raw food and cooked food. It may help you with your 'why'.http://rogerhaeske.com/?p=109

Another way to help you with your 'why' and the changes you may want to make with your eating habits if you like a challenge, is to go 100% raw for a month or two. It's something that can be done with a friend or group, and you can get support in doing this from qualified persons. That will give you a good feel for what you can expect. At the end you can decide how you are going to continue to eat.

I don't like to say cooked foods as bad, because they don't just cook themselves, hit us over the head and say eat me!! (This is not the same as saying cooked foods can have toxic effects on the body which is true). Because it's like we are projecting fear, instead of working from a place of love. It's more a case of is what you are putting in your mouth serving you well? That's the question, and it's up to us to take responsibility for the answer.


Here is some more about raw runner, Tim Van Orden and his 'why'.

Saturday 26 April 2008

Are you a risk-taker?

Exercise: Escalators and lots of walking
Food: Water only

I've listened to some more Bob Proctor audio, this time on risk. He states that only the person who risks is free. And that the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. If we live to avoid suffering and pain we cannot feel, love, learn, grow, change or truly live.

When you think about all the people who have ever achieved anything worthwhile e.g. Ghandi, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King and many more including the not-so-well-knowns, ancient and modern. One of the things they had in common was they were risk-takers. They had a big idea to meet a big need and dared to step out.

Taking a risk requires being able to think, it's not the same as gambling. It's taking action because you know where you want to go. It involves asking questions, challenging established ways of doing things, looking at existing results and planning for new ones.

When I was younger I was a people-pleaser, trying to make everyone happy. It just got too much, as you can never please everyone or more to the point it's not my purpose in life to please everyone. So I said 'enough'. I used to avoid conflict and pain as much as possible i.e. anything for an easy life. But an easy life has limited learning and growth, and decisions are rooted in fear and insecurity. Completely different now!!

Eating raw is taking a risk. We are challenging the status quo, we have examined the evidence and like, no love the results! We have engaged our thinking faculties to take action. We know 'why'. We may fail numerous times, but we are only failures when we quit. Failing along the way to the goal is simply learning experience.

Often when we take real risks we are first given resistance by our loved ones, but when we prevail they have a new and higher respect for us.

"Security is a myth. If life is not a series of risks it is nothing." Helen Keller

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Falafel, Fog and Fulfilment

Exercise: Escalators
Food: Just water

On Sunday had some falafel and potato you wouldn't think it would have that much of an impact but whoa.. It wasn't so much the physical reaction, there was some discomfort and it repeated on me constantly all the next day, plus I absolutely did not want to get out of bed in the morning even contemplated a sickie, as if! But shows the effect. It was a kind of low-level emotional discontent that seemed to hover over me, that I really didn't like! I have to really make sure I don't run out of bananas!! I find that bananas in the supermarkets are unripe and cold , so you have to allow quite a bit of time for ripening. They are my staple and if I'm completely out of fruit, or what I have is still unripe it can really throw me off kilter. So I've loaded up on mangoes and bananas as they are my foundational foods.

I had nuts all last week, not huge amounts but everyday and mostly unroasted cashews which are not really raw, mixed with some almonds so that might be why I was feeling very sleepy in the evenings. Anyway will experiment and see.

I didn't feel hungry at all on Monday but still ate some fruit and salad out of habit, but I could tell my body needed some TLC so decided to take a break yesterday and will continue until I feel properly hungry.

All good and helps me to observe and learn. It really drives home how complicated we've made our lives. Although there are a lot of things that can affect our health, what we eat has got to be one of the biggies, not just because of the physical effects of emotional eating, the eating to excess, the eating of processed/unatural foods etc but it is also the effect on us spiritually, emotionally and mentally which can lead to a lot of fogginess and persistent harmful behaviours in other areas of our lives. It is quite something finding order, balance and harmony in our eating, but the rewards (and they come quickly) are soooo worth it. It's probably a dance we will do all our lives.

Annelise, writing in Pear magazine online (you can subscribe through the gardendiet.com, see links) says,

"....What keeps me going every day is the amazing energy, mental stability, and spiritual connectedness that I feel when I quell society's voice, when I subdue my carnal appetites, when I instead listen to that subtle pull of instinct within me. And I have found so much peace and fulfillment, that steaks and donuts could never, ever bring!"

It's so true and I wholeheartedly agree, although for me it wasn't steaks and donuts, it was flapjacks, sourdough bread and big bowls of pesto pasta and vegetables, not all at once! But that was healthy for me once upon a time with the knowledge and intention I had then. And that's what it's all about working with the knowledge and intention you have at any given time, while keeping an open and searching mind. It just keeps evolving.

Your values and your desired outcome will help shape your particular journey. In the same way my values and passion for health are shaping mine. I have a vision for a healthy world, I think I always had it but didn't necessarily recognise the scope. I think we all had a vision before we are born and then we get to discover it as we grow. Coolio.

Check this out, http://www.runningraw.com/ one man living out his inspiring vision in this big, wide world.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Another Little Habit

Exercise: Escalators
Food: 5 small bananas, 2 glasses oj, salad: lettuce, mange tout, sweetcorn, edamame beans, sweetcorn and some tofu (a very rare appearance), some cashew nuts,2 peach bellinis, coconut and mango smoothie (yum), 3 ginger snap Lara bars

Saf restaurant is open! I missed the opening night. Popped in on way home after drinks but they've not yet got the take-away side sorted. Didn't fancy sitting as I wanted to get home so will report on the menu another time ;(

It was really light walking to the station, woo hoo the days are getting longer (I know an illusion as it's the same 24hrs!) and summer is on its way. Was thinking how the escalator habit is now entrenched incremental exercise. I've decided to find a liitle habit to start at the beginning of each month. For May I'm going to start dry body-brushing, it's something I've done sporadically but not enough to see if it's worth doing!

My upstairs neigbours have wooden floors and I used to shout at them to shut up when they would be clunking around or dropping things. I'm not sure they actually heard me I think it was more an emotional release for me! Anyway I've been intentionally learning not to give my power away by reacting to external circumstances but instead building my character by responding purposefully. I decided I would use this as my testing ground. So when they made noise I didn't shout I just thought about what might be causing the noise, or distracted myself by moving to another room or singing, although initially it was difficult because I was tempted to go back to my default setting. And now I don't react to it in fact it seems like they make less noise. The best thing is seeing that I can change my behaviour, I can change my 'default setting' if I persist long enough.

That's what we do when we continue to eat mainly or all raw, we are changing our default setting and after a time when we eat cooked or decide to satisfy a craving we may realise that it doesn't actually hit the spot anymore. Someone turned the dial!!

Persistence, never underestimate it.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cebeaatVcGY Something to wind down to.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Raw In The Alps

Exercise: Escalators
Food: Loads of bananas! in the morning, late afternoon green salad with peppers, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, late evening big banana smoothie with Dr Martin's (viable) Coco milk

Hellooo, it's been a while! I have been skiing the past few days away in the French Alps!!! It was absolute bliss being 'in' the great outdoors, standing on those beautiful mountains, FRESH AIR!! Made progress with the skiing too. Day 1 was rain non-stop but didn't fall once. Day 2 was incredibly sunny and dry, fell three times! Day 3 was again sunny and my breakthrough day, feeling fearless and Day 4 was consolidation, and snowy, windy, rainy and very cold!

Asked in advance for raw meals. And the lovely chef, John and his wife Jacqui did us proud, we had raw soups, salads, fruit and smoothies. My all time favourite was the Mayan salad with mixed leaves, tomatoes, avocado, citrus fruit and a lovely dressing. The citrus and the avocado together were divine. So the first ski company ever to cater for rawies! http://www.karibuni.co.uk/

Great staff, friendly and helpful. Only slight con was that it was the end of the season and because there was a lot of packing up, vacuuming and cleaning going on, you did feel a bit in the way despite being a guest.

Was also able to buy raw nuts and dates from the local 8 to 8 store. And found a cute produce shop with the whole gamut of fruit and veg, nuts and dried fruit. Really I don't think there has been a better time to be alive in history to enjoy the earth's bounty. Well that's what I think, except maybe for the Garden of Eden!

Monday 7 April 2008

Do Like Steve

Exercise: Escalators
Food: Loads of bananas today, large handful of mixed nuts, salad of green leaves, a little avoacdo, sun-dried tomato, carrot/cabbage shred, and broccoli, and green juice of apple, spinach, pineapple and lime

I've noticed post fast I'm digesting nuts very well, am being inclined to chew them properly until there are no solid bits left, and interestingly seem to now have a clear cut off point after which I won't carry on eating any more nuts. So they seem to have resurfaced in my eating for the past week!

News update: Steve Pavlina (amazing, authentic blogger) has gone raw! He did a 30 day experiment, felt great apart from dry skin on his hands. Then he went back to cooked vegan which had been his diet prior to the trial. I think the first day he felt quite ill, and felt a blurring in his eyesight! Anyway he woke up one morning and decided that he's just going back to all raw, just like that.

Read more here www.stevepavlina.com there are also many great personal development articles on his site. I would say that the 'courage' one is an all time classic.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself (metaphorically!) when I think about the life I'm living now. It's not that I think raw food has magical powers, our physiology is simply designed for fresh fruit and veg with nuts and seeds. So it seems to be (un)common sense that we make that our majority or total food intake. Basically it's a principle (not dogma!), look at the wild animals they eat their food raw and appropriate to their physiology.

By eating right we allow our body, mind and spirit to flourish, because we are removing more of the dumbing down/damping down stuff that gets in the way of us being us!!!

Two of my lovely girl friends paid me a couple of compliments today. Now I love getting compliments from admiring males, but when you get them from the girls you know you're rockin!

Thursday 3 April 2008

What do you really, really want?

Exercise: Long walk to business meeting and back in heels!, escalators
Food: 6 bananas, a few dates, strawberry, papaya, mango and coconut milk smoothie, salad of baby spinach, tomatoes, avocado, raw pesto dressing, cucumber, yellow pepper and broccoli, a large handful of almonds and cashew nuts, at home in evening, bought some olives/sunblushed tomatoes from deli counter and finished them before I got home! At home a tiny smoothie of strawberries and banana, and also juiced a couple of litres of oj (no I didn't have all of that, I sipped a bit, the rest is in the fridge!)

I'm still on money, I will probably set up a separate blog on this issue when I've made further inroads, until then you get the benefit of my musings. I got an email last week from a site I subscribe to, about how no one has money problems, you just have problems and how we deal with money just helps to highlight them. Well there was a bit more to the email than that but that is the gist of the matter. Anyhooo I tend to get 'important messages' in threes. Read the same thing again in two separate books. And I 'got' it, and I know I 'got' it because before I used to think 'if only I could get more money..' now I realise money without the foundational skills of organisation, order, budgeting, discipline etc is quite frankly a waste of time, and will only amplify problems. Because the point of money as I see it now is to free up time for relationship, to express ourselves fully and to build character (not necessarily in that order). There has been a shift in my mind and a stirring in my spirit and I am actually really enjoying the process, I'm growing. Bring it on.

I think the same principles apply to health. Having health is not simply to look pretty or buff, great as that is! The point of optimum health is to be fit (as much as you can physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) for your highest purpose and fullest expression here on planet earth - which kind of changes the perspective a bit, and shakes up those values!


Some great music here, have a dance before bed!

Tuesday 1 April 2008


Exercise: Escalators
Food: Strawberries, papaya, mango and Dr Martin's Coco milk - morning smoothie, one apple, one big box of grapes, salad of spinach, avocado, orange bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumber and raw pesto dressing, and in the evening another salad of leaves, sundried tomatoes, cabbage/carrot mix, broccoli and avocado and some nuts.

Ate a lot today, partly because I was going out straight from work, so wanted to feel full plus avoid getting home late and eating late!

A new Chopd salad bar has opened in Spitafields, woo hoo! And the new raw food restaurant, Saf is set to open this month. I am literally barricaded by good food places i.e. places I can get either a decent salad, fruit, smoothie, juice, nuts or all of the above: ITSU, Chop'd, Crush, Soup and Salad, Nim Com Soup, Giraffe, Pret, EAT, Spitalfiels Organics, Story Deli, Apostrophe, The Grocery, Organic Foodhall, Shish and Canteloupe. And I haven't included the possibilities in Hoxton Square!

On a parallell level, the past couple of weeks I've been thinking how I am surrounded by fabulous people. People who inspire me and 'cheerlead' me on my way to achieving my dreams like close family members and my mentors, people who let me be me, people who don't have to 'get' everything I do to love me, people who are treading their own amazing paths. Those who I know 'face to face', some who will be close confidantes, but also others who may 'serve' me in some capacity like a shop assistant or a waitress - there are some who really are able to make your day even more glorious, just with a few words - a true gift. There was a wonderful woman in Leon on Regent St and another equally wonderful one at the Leon at Knightsbridge. Then there are those I haven't met like authors who have blessed me greatly with their writings (Brad Swift, John Demartini, Bob Proctor, Karen Knowler, Wallace D. Wattles (yes that is his name), Dr Henry Cloud, simply endless) and business owners who are offering goods and services that chime with my values and enhance my life and lifestyle such as all the food places that have been mentioned, Raw Fairies etc.

I could go on and on, it's all about relationships.

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About Me

London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...