
Thursday 15 July 2010

Is Raw Vegan the Holy Grail of Diets?

Well this may be a bit of a controversial post!

Do I think raw vegan is the only way to go? As fab a protocol as it is, the answer would have to be .. no.

Ten reasons to go raw vegan for a while (and a while will be dependent on your particular body, environment, needs and lifestyle factors)

1. Kick starting a healthful eating lifestyle
2. Showing you where your weaknesses are e.g emotional eating, types of non foods you're addicted to
3. Easing the digestive load on your body during times of stress or to release vital energy for cleansing and healing purposes
4. Seeing an immediate impact of fresh fruits and vegetables on the integrity of the body
5. Getting in touch with your intuition
6. Getting in touch with how food grows
7. As part of an overall plan to simplify your life
8. Emergency health measures
9. Preparing for a fast
10. For the fun of it!

And there may be others.. however..

I don't believe there is a one diet fits all, well I know there isn't one. I'm a nutritionist, avid researcher and learner and love testing out ideas on my own self and this concept is clear to me. What there is though is a set of time-tested principles that you can create your own diet around (diet=eating plan) when you have a clear understanding of your own body and how it functions.

Raw is one element. No one needs to eat 100% raw vegan and I wouldn't recommend it as a forever way of eating. And that's not coming from a fear-based perspective but a principle-based perspective. I'll do some more posts on 100% raw for the long term and what you need to be looking out for.

It's very easy to get caught up in a label and I had to be careful myself. The important thing is the experience that you are having and how it is integrating with the rest of your whole life.

Later ;)

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Reasons to go Raw

Before I go into some of the reasons why I think going raw is a good idea.. techie update!! I'm going to have to burn a new food as the Feedburner one seems to be in the ether somewhere. I'll do that later today. I will also post again tomorrow, so if you don't receive anything please come back and re-subscribe!! And thank-you to those who are following me!!

These are some of the three top benefits of going raw,

Increasing awareness

You become more aware of yourself, all aspects! You come out of hiding so to speak. If you've got a lot of anger suddenly it comes surging out (there is also a side of this that is linked to B12 deficiency but that's for another post). If you are unhappy with some part of your life there it is staring you in the face demanding your involvement. I know I became so much aware of what I was eating, why I was eating and so on. Emotional eating is often brought to light as well. I was able to conquer emotional eating through eating wholly raw. There is only so much fruit, veg or even nuts one can be interesting in eating regardless of how much distraction is required! The beauty of increasing awareness is the ability to choose.

Immediate health results

Eating nutrient-rich, high water food can help you see immediate health results that motivate you on to your bigger vision. These signs of vibrancy include more energy, better sleep, clearer skin, shedding excess fat/weight and more intangible things like increased hope, starting to dream big and feeling you have something to contribute.

Sensitivity to your own intuition

When you start to unravel habits that have been causing you to live small and to supress your emotions (as opposed to transforming or expressing them), within a life of taking responsibility for your life and what you want to see, things change! You start to get in touch with yourself, to hear yourself, to experience synchronicities and see next steps. This is why going raw can be such an addictive phenomenon, and seen as the panacea for everything. ;)

Tomorrow I will be posting on whether I think raw vegan is the perfect 'diet' for mankind!

made some lovely green juice at the weekend combining pineapple and spinach (and diluting with water). Pineapples have the active enzyme, bromelain that benefits the human body in a number of ways including,

reducing swelling and inflammation
loosening old matter in the gut and accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract
helping with a sluggish immune system
helping with digestion ... and much more.

It is brilliant for doing a cleanse, and I like to have this juice at the end of a period of fasting to help sweep out the toxins and old food debris!

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Notes From The Lecture

A little update from the BC lecture here in London a couple of weeks ago..

First up I had young coconuts for the first time, absolutely delicious. Where have I been all my life! Drank the water through a straw and then it was hacked open so I could scoop out the coconut flesh. Update over..only joking.

Brian was late problems in Paris I think.. I will intersperse with my own thoughts in bold..

He talked about the campaign to grow/eat organic foods at popcampaign.org and expressed dismay at the widespread use of GM foods in the states and apparently sneaking in the backdoor in the UK. I haven't done any research on that but wouldnt be surprised. Corn and soya are the most common GM products so be aware when you buy.

My thoughts
Eat Simply
Eat Organic
Know your source

Here are some things that caught my attention (I tend to pick up what resonates and leave the rest)

- The weaker you become on a physiological and emotional basis the more controllable you become
- Emotional disorder is at the root of disease
- Food can be a mirror of how you feel about yourself
- The degree to which you love yourself is the degree to which you will eat appropriately (mindfully, healthfully)
- Once you value your life nothing is difficult
- If a mother lives well usually the whole family fall in line
- Excuses will not get you anywhere but commitment will get you to where you want to go
- You don't commit to the raw food diet you commit to yourself, raw food may be a vehicle that helps you in your comitment (paraphrase)
- Validate your values by taking action, this creates virtue, then commitment, then whole lives
- The most important thing about being alive is that we have endless potential
- People who are incredibly good at what they do are committed, they only do things they love. They don't do anything they don't want to
-There is a passionate way or no way
-We just do not the nature of things
- Re isolated synthetic vitamins - even at the most basic level vitamins and minerals will never perform fully without their co-factors
- Vitamin C is not simply Ascorbic acid (manufactured version) there is more to it
- 68% of people lack vitamin C
- Enzymes great est antidote to ageing and helps digestion (My thoughts: yay for raw  milk ..Brian wouldn't agree).

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...