
Friday 12 October 2007

Extraordinary Life Requires Extraordinary Habits

Exercise: Pushups plus the usual 'incremental' exercise running up and down stairs, running for the bus etc
Food: Canteloupe melon and mango smoothie, was okay maybe I should have added less water, green salad with vine tomatoes and avocado and herby lime dressing. Really enjoying this salad and still amazed that I now love tomatoes. Had 250g of pistachios (raw). I categorically know I wasn't hungry of any kind but ate them anyway. And I know why I have to make a decision re another area of my life (wealth) which is exciting but scary too. And I know it is that human lunging for the crunchy dense thing that we can chew on to control our feelings. Well at least I am self-aware. Ate first 'meal' at 12 noon today and last thing was dates around 9pm. Went for drinks after work had two juices from bottle, and felt my energy level drop :(

It may seem sometimes that we who eat raw are obsessed with our food, but I see it like this, At this stage I need to learn to listen to what my body is saying, because this is so counter-culture it is easy to abandon the adventure and launch back into 'lesser' way of living. And that is a valid choice. But I have tasted something better literally and metaphorically so it is my choice and delight to pursue this wonder or maybe it pursues me? For me it is worth doing this 'studying and recording' for posterity! but also to be a more authentic me and to more authentically do what I do. You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Oh by the way no sweats last night woo hoo!

Okay, carrying on from yesterday.. Because of my passion for health I would read a lot of nutrition, diet and fitness books and experiment on myself. Including low carb, f plan, the zone (utterly confusing), GI etc. My goal was long lasting optimum health. I didn't have any particular health changes but was very aware that as people got older they were getting sick and decrepit. In fact it was something I felt compelled to look into. The book that marked a milestone was Joel Furhman's 'Eat to Live'. I read, I 'got' it and went vegan immediately and in fact went high raw as well without realising it. I was having fruit for breakfast, salad/soup for lunch and potato/beans/salad or brown rice pasta and stir fries. I then read John Robbins 'A Diet for a New America'. And I knew my life was changing. It wasn't hard (as long as I had my grains!)I had given up milk years ago just like that, intuitively no conscious reason and red meat when I left home as I didn't enjoy it. That left chicken and fish. Then I realised I hadn't eaten chicken in the past 12 months! Again just like that. So fish and eggs were the things I consciously left behind. I was never a fan of cheese. I did however used to get through tons of haagen daaz. Emotional eating for sure.. But I have not eaten ice cream for nearly five years now and have no desire for it at all.

So I was eating raw without know it piling fresh baby spinach on my baked potato and houmous. Then at some point last year stumbled across a 'raw event' on the Internet and by association 'the movement'.

Dr Doug Graham was there. And I was impressed with how he looked (and indeed his wife). What he said made a lot a sense. I do think if you are teaching health you do need to look (and be) healthy, in the same way if you are teaching wealth, confidence etc. And he walked his talk.

Check his site here: http://www.foodnsport.com/joomla/

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...