
Sunday 30 December 2007

Out With The Old In With The New

Water Fast Day 6

I feel weak (but not in a bad way) am shedding weight. Today was a very productive day, went through paper work, filled in applications, cleared out email in boxes , did filing and the like. Plus some tidying. It was all very straightford with no dithering.

Water Fast Day 7

Feel weak but buoyant. The 'clear out' continues, and this is not something I planned. I went through all my clothes and shoes item by item. There is isn't an incredible amount but felt strongly that this was something I had to do. And I 'knew' what could stay and what could go. Also had bowel movement (oops if that was too much!). The purge spilled over into my sister's stuff before you could say 'what's in that bag?' it was all done.

Later that evening I went dancing and I danced for three hours solid. Would not generally recommend this! But I love to dance and was happy to go. Each fast is unique, as you fast more and become stronger you get to recognise your boundaries.

Water Fast Day 8

I woke up very dehydrated because of the dancing so had a load of water. Guess what? Yes, the big clear out continued, old college/uni assignments all gone, cleared out trinkets and practically most of my old photos. You may not believe it but I am actually a minimalist. Took everything to the charity shop or binned for rubbish. So liberating.

Water Fast Day 9

Feel good but weak. Looking lean. Have a spot on my face. Something that I would suggest when fasting, may sound odd but always shower, even if you are just going back to bed. It is so refreshing. Went for a walk, great being outside.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...