
Wednesday 2 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Water Fast Day 10

Feel weak but refreshed after showering. Went out locally to pay in cheque and then into town to buy a cardigan. Started feeling tired came back home and slept for two hours. Then went with sister to New Year Eve's service. Sister also pointed out to me that Steve Pavlina is trialling 30 days raw, which I think is very good news indeed. My lovely bananas are ripening very nicely!

Water Fast Day 11

Can't seem to stay in bed! Popped into town again to pick up some bits. Start to feel tired so get myself back home. Started thinking about toast and jam which I have not eated in aeons! My bananas are even spottier and the smell is heavenly! I'm beginning to feel the stirrings of hunger. Later went to watch the latest Will Smith film, (surrounded by people crunching popcorn and tacos) 'I am a Legend'. It's not that it was a bad film but not my cup of green smoothie ;) Am looking healthy and very lean. I think every bone on my face is outlined! Although I am walking at about one knot an hour!

Water Day Fast 12

Spent a long time in bed then had shower. Very slow but picked up after shower, had a wander into town again! to get a particular notebook. It is much colder today. I went into a bookshop to look at calendars. It also had a counter selling Belgian chocs, which I stared at for a few minutes. But came back straight away and stayed in bed for a while. I'm working thorough 'Life on Purpose' by Brad Swift and will be doing my annual catch up with Jinny Ditzler 'Your Best Year Yet' soon. Feel very weak but completely enveloped in peace. My skin is absolutely glowing and my eyes are bright, and my legs look great. You'll just have to take my word for it! Will endeavour to stay in bed tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You are doing amazing. I wanna see pictures!

Peach said...

Thanks January, as soon as I can sort a digital camera. I'll get pics up..

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About Me

London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...