
Thursday 8 November 2007

Get Into Your Lab

Exercise: Bodyweight exercises
Food: 7 bananas, canteloupe 'milk', salad - cucumber, avocado, pomodorino tomatoes and herby dressing, dates and some almonds.

Canteloupe milk is canteloupe melon whizzed up in my Blendtech blender with some water. It looks and tastes like milkshake. Strange but true. The almonds are finished now, and I want to take a break from nuts. Although again digestion and elimination today excellent, which I put down to a combo of things waiting until noon to eat, eating simply with distinct gaps between 'meals' and by no means the least, regular fasting. So today I had bananas at noon, 'milk' at 2pm, salad at 4pm, dates at 7pm and almonds (very late at 10 pm) and I will probably go to bed at 1am. I have been sleeping very well but haven't got up to run which I miss. I think leaving out the nuts will help me still sleep well, but also able to bound out of bed for a run. And next week I'll restart the experiment of not eating after 5pm.

The upshot of this is it is good to experiment, and test things. It keeps things exciting, and helps one find the right 'flow'. You know where everything just fits and seems effortless and so enjoyable. Found another great website www.rawfoodexplained.com

I think I am going to start a separate fasting blog. I've done quite a few now and would love to share what I've learnt to date. Fasting is the most underrated spiritual discipline and health promotion tool ever. And quite frankly that is a complete and utter travesty.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...