
Wednesday 21 November 2007

A Bite of The Big Apple

Exercise: Walking for England
Food: Miscallaneous, bananas, fruit smoothies, raw food restaurant fare (salads, soups, puddings, 'pasta'), Lara raw fruit and nut bars

I have been in New York for the past five days. And got to road test three out of the myriad of raw food restaurants there. Worked out great that our hotel was only ten minute walk away from pure food and wine. I'll go into detail later on the dishes I sampled. It is so easy to eat raw in New York city, there is a salad bar on practically every corner and most delis have fruit. Then there is the phenomenon that is Wholefoods. Right now I need to get to get to bed as I arrived back this morning, and haven't slept properly in 24hrs. I went out this evening and mentioned that fact. And my friend said wow you look so perky how do you do it? There is nothing like hard evidence to spur you to keep doing what you are doing, or to help you decide to stop what you are doing.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...