
Saturday 29 March 2008

Order, Balance and Harmony

Exercise: Run
Food: 5 bananas, smoothie - 3 frozen bananas, strawberries, half mango, Juice - 1 litre pineapple + celery, sml bowl of pistachios

The pistachios were in the shell and unsalted, had a sneaky suspicion they weren't raw, and then I found a burnt one, suspicion confirmed.

I've been going through my budget and looking at my spending over the past couple of months. Stay with me I know you're wondering where the heck this is going. Well I've been studying this whole money thing and it is hugely spiritual, yes it is. Money is not going to come into a disorganised space, well it's certainly not going to hang around long enough for a cup of tea, or a five-fruit smoothie. My point is that even though we like to compartmentalise our lives, we do essentially have one big whole life. Sooooo it is safe to assume health is not going to come into a disorganised space either ie poor eating habits, poor sleep habits, short tempers, not enough time in nature, fractured relationships etc etc.

When you have order, balance and harmony you have peace, contentment and joy. What's not to like? Soooo to have order you need to develop systems and you need to track behaviour. It may sound a bit boring, and being the adventurous, impulsive spirit that I am I used to think that too. But quite frankly you and I know if we don't have a bit of organisation, things take that much longer to get to where we want to go, and with half the fun. Order helps us have more fun without the stress. And as an extra bonus attracts its bessie mates, balance and harmony!

I'm proritising not eating after 8pm because I love how I feel. And I tell you the 'puffy face' effect is acting as a strong deterrent to not go lurking around cooked starch. Because after Easter Monday's bread it took at least three days for my face to go down (truly) and God know's where else. Call it vanity but I prefer to look like me.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...