
Saturday 1 March 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Exercise: Lots of walking, and dancing later
Juice (Lent): pineapple/celery and pineapple/apple/lettuce/lime

I was listening to some Bob Proctor audio today. This particular session was about decision-making. Bob was explaining that ambivalence is the state of having directly opposing thoughts on the same objective. And this leads to a state of perpetual indecision. It's a bit like going raw, you know inside of you that this would make a huge difference to your state of health but at the same time you think going raw is too difficult, your family won't understand, or you want to be able to eat as much processed food as you like even though you have clear evidence it is not helping your health.

But indecision is only a secondary cause of ambivalence, low self-esteem is the primary cause. Even if you don't think that's the case or it doesn't look like that's the case!

It's so important not to let your resources or lack of resources dictate your decisions. Your decision-making should be based on whether you want to (links back nicely to a previous post, completely unplanned!) not what you've got or not got. So many dreams are shattered because of circumstances.

The golden nugget here is that your circumstances are inconsequential. It does sound counter-intuitive but it's true. So if you truly want to go raw (regardless of how much)just decide it in your heart now, and the rest will follow.

Before last year I had been ambivalent about marriage and relationships and I know where the root of that was planted. But last year I decided to research the whole area, to search myself, trust God and be intentional in deciding what I wanted. It is very liberating and once that happened I kept coming across amazing materials, people etc and the story continues. So decide if you want to (and why!) and once you do it's like a magnet attracting iron filings, things will begin to fall in place, the 'how' becomes clearer. And there may be setbacks and wobbles but it's different now, because you know what you want they seem insignificant, their impact is significantly reduced, and instead is harnessed to propel you forward.

Another key is to decide in advance what you want instead of waiting until you are in crisis mode, it brings confidence and aids persistence. So let's say you are going out for dinner with friends, you've decided you definitely want to go but it'll be a standard restaurant and you're committed to raw. Decide whether you're happy to eat cooked, or check that the menu offers a suitable salad, or ring up before and make a special request. It's taking charge of your life instead of leaving it to circumstances.

I have been learning this stuff over the past couple of years and seen the results. But hearing the statement that decisons should never be based on circunstances, on whether you can take the time off, can afford it etc, but only because you want to (and you know why you want to) is for me simply amazing. It's another tool for living a purposeful life!

Knowing what you want is the first step to getting what you want.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...