
Wednesday 27 February 2008

Ma's Joined The Party Too

Exercise: Run, escalators
Juice (lent): orange/pineapple/celery, apple/spinach/celery, apple/coconut/carrot/orange

I spoke to my Mum yesterday, who is eating raw. It was great to hear the excitement in her voice. She said it was the mental clarity that was most welcome, and I have to agree.

I do appreciate the physical benefits. A healthy glow, stronger, suppler and leaner body, cleaner internal environment, great skin, even more energy! But in our society today it is not hard to look great with nice clothes, a good hair cut or blow-dry!, slogging it out at the gym, cosmetic surgery, beauty treatments, make-up etc. But you can't really paint on mental clarity, which is evidenced by the queues in and out of the local coffee shops ;)

But the mental clarity combined with spiritual awareness when eating raw is priceless. These result in,

- 'Getting things' that other people don't seem to get on the whole i.e. more wisdom
- The understanding that you are here for a reason and a 'pull' to find out what it is
- A serious intolerance for anything that curtails your true and creative expression
- A desire to be outdoors even if you were never an outdoors person!
- A catalyst for change in every area of your life, relationships, money, expression, confidence, exercise habits, interests, spiritual growth etc
- A feeling that truly life is a great adventure/playground/bowl of cherries ie something to be interacted with and not just drift through
- A greater understanding of your core values, and any incongruencies that have evolved over the years
- Courage to let go of past beliefs and fears that you have been projecting into your future
- Either realising that you 'hate' your job or that you mind is clear to fully engage in a job you love

My intestines are clearing out. Nothing particularly special to look at. But from the smell I can tell it's old stuff that is being removed, as normally there is no smell when I go to the loo. For me that is a major sign that eating raw is not just a good thing but a significant thing to do. But we have learnt to accept so many things as normal and it takes guts to do things in a different way. But thank God he made us gutsy, we just need to realise it!

It gives me untold joy to see people around me making healthier choices everyday. Two other family members are now raw, one has gone veggie, a friend has gone vegan, another friend gave up her red bull and cola habit. Others are avoiding the office confectionary. I noticed that since I have been single-handedly supporting the banana industry, many more bananas are appearing on desks, including whole bags!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...