
Wednesday 28 May 2008

Come Join The Party!

Exercise: Escalators
Food: 5 bananas, smoothie (celery, papaya, mango and pear), bunch of grapes, big salad - lettuce, sun-dried tomato, carrot, sweetcorn, pine nuts, pesto dressing

Another of my friends is getting intentional with her eating, she's vegetarian four days a week now in order to in her words, save the planet, and a girl at the yoga weekend asked me if I was a raw-fooder, she'd obviously been observing what I was eating! She said I looked great and was glowing, which was lovely to hear. I've gotten used to a certain level of being eating like this plus all the other adventures I'm on, so it's always blows me away when the results are so obvious to someone else. She herself tried raw for six months and thinks it's time to make it more permanent.

And.. okay not one of my girlfriends per se, but Oprah has gone vegan (for 21 days)!
Read more here

I love the comment at the end,
Kathy Freston's Comments: External "fillers"—like soda and chips—leave you feeling empty and wanting more. Yearning, dissatisfied. To really feel substantially filled and nurtured and cared for, it has to come from something that is not outside of us. If you are pushed against a wall or challenged, try to remind yourself that you need not do and be everything.

If more people knew that they would be experiencing more freedom. It's these 'moments of truth' that bring awareness. We reach for 'soda and chips' or whatever it is we reach for, it could be any thing to damp down those emotions.. 'healthy food' does not promote health in our body if we don't actually need it, it becomes excess and something else for the body to deal with. I remember being offered some strawberries once and I said 'no thanks!' 'but it's fruit' they said. I'm not hungry and I don't want them but I'm meant to shove them down because they're fruit? It's completely a different matter if I want to shove them down!

Well if you doing the veggie, vegan, journey you know you're only a couple of tube stops from 'more raw' and 'all raw' !!!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...