
Monday 19 May 2008

Awareness Is The First Step To Freedom

Exercise: Run, escalators
Food: Green smoothie - mango, apple and rocket, 2 bananas, 600g grapes, salad - lettuce, spinach, mushrooms, celery, tomatoes and raw basil pesto, almonds dipped in raw honey

Despite having about 5 hours sleep I woke up really wanting to run. I realised this was probably due to the fact that I had gone to bed saying I'm going for a run tomorrow. I also stopped eating quite early 8/9ish and had a couple of pints of water between that time and going to bed.

Today I didn't eat until 12 noon, had good long gaps between my 'meals' green smoothie at noon, grapes around 2, bananas around 4pm and salad about 4.30 and almonds when I got in around 8.30pm.

I have been dipping into my sister's book 'The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn'. Go and buy this book for the sake of your spiritual health. We are spiritual beings. Hmmm yes you might feel uncomfortable but it's true, and you will never truly 'get it' until you embrace that. Anyway go buy that book, read the reviews on Amazon.

I was thinking today how sometimes when we tell someone about some new thing we are doing or someone tells us about some new thing their doing, we or they can get distinctly agitated. And what it is, is that we feel threatened or that we have to change. The ironic thing is that if we genuinely feel that way we are probably not living very congruent lives and it may be change is needed! But essentially the thing is you don't have to do anything, just be open to the possibility of new insights that can enhance your life, that way you'll recognise if and when you need to change.

It's a quality that certain people have to listen to another's experience and not feel defensive or judgemental. I once met a lovely guy who I talked to for ages and what struck me is I was saying some unconventional things by 'mainstream' standards in terms of my lifestyle etc and he was just so comfortable and happy in his skin listening to me. And that was when I realised what an attractive quality he had (and the rest!). People like that have something precious. I have a number of friends who have that same gift/maturity and it's a blessing to be around. They are people who you can just be yourself with while still growing into greater things.

Awareness is such a catalyst for freedom. Just recognising the truth of something whether it's a pattern of thinking in our own lives, or the fact that our lifestyle habits are not supporting our vision of ourselves etc can precipitate massive action. i.e. as Bob Proctor states in 'You were born rich' - the highest level of being is, thinking good thoughts -which lead to idea- manifest in physical. But how we tend to live is look at our current physical condition - think how to solve it - and then come up with idea. Always, always the VISION comes first regardless of your current circumstances.

Remember when I said when I was little I used the think that there was a definite way of good health. What we hold deep in our minds has huge impact on our life for better or worse. We get to choose. Get the Florence book!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...