
Thursday 22 May 2008

A Parallel Universe

Exercise: Escalators
Food: litre of OJ, about 10 bananas, handful of cashews and almonds, green salad - baby spinach, peas, avocado, celery, cucumber and raw pesto

Sometimes I have moments where it feels like I am living in some weird and wonderful world of my own (indeed I am and so are you!) with the various journeys I have embarked/am embarking on in every area of my life, and it is literally every area. So much is changing or changed, just a few,

- I don't watch TV (not a rule or a conscious decision would watch if I wanted to, it simply went from medium priority to low priority to zero priority. )
- I would not have called myself a nature-lover before now I know that I am
- While not being a beach lover I wouldn't have been my choice to visit a cold country during their cold season. That is not an issue now
- I shop intentionally, I visualise what I'm looking for and then go and find it. I no longer shop to escape or for retail therapy anymore. Still enjoy shopping just clearer about my objectives!
- I eat a natural, unprocessed plant-based diet. A colleague asked me if it was hard eating out as there is so much I can't eat. I said everywhere does a salad! Also explained I'm not doing this from a place of deprivation but of abundance. I can eat ANYTHING I want, it's just that I choose not to. Big difference.
- My courage muscle is growing bigger!
- My desire to learn is huge
- Much better able to detach from emotions
- Trusting God's work

quote from author Neale Walsch... "You can live a charmed life, and there is a formula by which you can make this work." Here is the formula: "You can live a charmed life by causing othersto live a charmed life. That is, be the source of "charm" - ofcharming moments and experiences in the life of another." "Be everyone else's lucky charm! Make all who you touch today feel"lucky" that you crossed their path. Do this for a week and watchthings change. Do it for a month and you'll be a different person."***

I'm taking up this challenge....


"To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight - and never stop fighting.

E.E Cummings, poet


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About Me

London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...