
Thursday 21 February 2008

If It's A 'Should' Think Again

Exercise: Escalators
Juice fast: Pineapple and celery; apple, spinach and lime (each topped up with water)

I had a bit of a revelation yesterday. I was thinking how I was enjoying every thing that I was doing regardless of whether I was achieving excellence or was wobbling all over the place! I realised that 'shoulds' are a sign of an inauthentic life. For example,

- I should call my Mum
- I should eat raw
- I should exercise
- I should be kinder
- I should spend more time with my friends

and on it goes.

That is not to say that the things above are not good things to do. It's just that implicit in the word 'should' used in that way is a certain reluctant obligation or duty. Not the stuff of an exciting and fulfilling life.

If I think 'should' that is now a check for me to work out what will turn it into a definite 'I want to, or I will' or a definite 'I don't want to, or I won't'. Do I need a bigger 'why' ?, does that person drain my energy?, do I need to be more organised?, do I need to take it off the list? How can I make this thing a more exciting thing to do?

It's about being intentional and taking responsibility for our lives instead of letting circumstance, limiting beliefs, and people-pleasing dictate. It's a daily journey, and day by day a more authentic and fulfilling life is being lived.

Update of my progress working through 'Life on Purpose' by Brad Swift. I have cracked my life purpose after drafts numbering double figures. I won't write out the long version. But the short version,

my life on purpose is a whole life of full and beautiful expression, lived with thanksgiving. This chimes with my spirit. But may still tweak!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...