
Saturday 23 February 2008

More on 'Should'

Exercise: Run, dancing, escalators
Juice (Lent): celery/pineapple juice, apple/lime/spinach/celery juice, orange juice

Today I met up for a catch up with one of my delightful 'couple' friends. And we got to talking about the fun things we are up to. The wife and I are quite similar, highly creative, expressive, see the truth in things quickly (we don't need to see all the evidence) and want to tell the world about it! (And the husband is cool, calm, and works with tangibles and likes to see a full court report before proceeding, so they complement each other beautifully) And I was sharing from my own experience how I've learnt that it's not a good idea to try and 'fix' people.

So again no 'shoulds'. Because unless individuals recognise the need to take responsibility for their lives and are ready for change, they just won't get it. It doesn't matter how crystal clear it is to you! We've all been there at some point in time regarding one area of our lives or another.

The only times it is okay to 'suggest' someone read something, watch something, try something, is when they are always coming to you with their problem, or ask you for help. Or by their language, what they talk about and the things they are involved in will tell you whether they are 'ripe' for what you are about to share.

When you have suggested or given (I prefer to give as a gift rather than lend that way you don't have to ask for it back and the other person does not feel obliged to go through with the thing, but if the person is on the same wavelength lending is great) don't then ask what they thought of it, how it's going etc. It's up to them, remember we're not fixers. If they choose to give you feedback then that's great and this could be positive or negative, no need to try and be right, if explanations are asked for fine otherwise accept and move on!!

So another revelation, they're coming thick and fast! We are not called to be fixers, but inspirers. That's how you get people to change by being authentically you, and it will be different things for different people.

It is an affirmation of one's authenticity to be called inspirational. Authenticity not perfection; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daaaahhhling! so true, and thanks to you and hubby for making that clearer. Love your blog! really well written and thought provoking!

keep it up....

the wife :)

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...