
Thursday 3 April 2008

What do you really, really want?

Exercise: Long walk to business meeting and back in heels!, escalators
Food: 6 bananas, a few dates, strawberry, papaya, mango and coconut milk smoothie, salad of baby spinach, tomatoes, avocado, raw pesto dressing, cucumber, yellow pepper and broccoli, a large handful of almonds and cashew nuts, at home in evening, bought some olives/sunblushed tomatoes from deli counter and finished them before I got home! At home a tiny smoothie of strawberries and banana, and also juiced a couple of litres of oj (no I didn't have all of that, I sipped a bit, the rest is in the fridge!)

I'm still on money, I will probably set up a separate blog on this issue when I've made further inroads, until then you get the benefit of my musings. I got an email last week from a site I subscribe to, about how no one has money problems, you just have problems and how we deal with money just helps to highlight them. Well there was a bit more to the email than that but that is the gist of the matter. Anyhooo I tend to get 'important messages' in threes. Read the same thing again in two separate books. And I 'got' it, and I know I 'got' it because before I used to think 'if only I could get more money..' now I realise money without the foundational skills of organisation, order, budgeting, discipline etc is quite frankly a waste of time, and will only amplify problems. Because the point of money as I see it now is to free up time for relationship, to express ourselves fully and to build character (not necessarily in that order). There has been a shift in my mind and a stirring in my spirit and I am actually really enjoying the process, I'm growing. Bring it on.

I think the same principles apply to health. Having health is not simply to look pretty or buff, great as that is! The point of optimum health is to be fit (as much as you can physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) for your highest purpose and fullest expression here on planet earth - which kind of changes the perspective a bit, and shakes up those values!


Some great music here, have a dance before bed!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...