
Saturday 26 April 2008

Are you a risk-taker?

Exercise: Escalators and lots of walking
Food: Water only

I've listened to some more Bob Proctor audio, this time on risk. He states that only the person who risks is free. And that the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. If we live to avoid suffering and pain we cannot feel, love, learn, grow, change or truly live.

When you think about all the people who have ever achieved anything worthwhile e.g. Ghandi, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King and many more including the not-so-well-knowns, ancient and modern. One of the things they had in common was they were risk-takers. They had a big idea to meet a big need and dared to step out.

Taking a risk requires being able to think, it's not the same as gambling. It's taking action because you know where you want to go. It involves asking questions, challenging established ways of doing things, looking at existing results and planning for new ones.

When I was younger I was a people-pleaser, trying to make everyone happy. It just got too much, as you can never please everyone or more to the point it's not my purpose in life to please everyone. So I said 'enough'. I used to avoid conflict and pain as much as possible i.e. anything for an easy life. But an easy life has limited learning and growth, and decisions are rooted in fear and insecurity. Completely different now!!

Eating raw is taking a risk. We are challenging the status quo, we have examined the evidence and like, no love the results! We have engaged our thinking faculties to take action. We know 'why'. We may fail numerous times, but we are only failures when we quit. Failing along the way to the goal is simply learning experience.

Often when we take real risks we are first given resistance by our loved ones, but when we prevail they have a new and higher respect for us.

"Security is a myth. If life is not a series of risks it is nothing." Helen Keller

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...