
Thursday 17 April 2008

Another Little Habit

Exercise: Escalators
Food: 5 small bananas, 2 glasses oj, salad: lettuce, mange tout, sweetcorn, edamame beans, sweetcorn and some tofu (a very rare appearance), some cashew nuts,2 peach bellinis, coconut and mango smoothie (yum), 3 ginger snap Lara bars

Saf restaurant is open! I missed the opening night. Popped in on way home after drinks but they've not yet got the take-away side sorted. Didn't fancy sitting as I wanted to get home so will report on the menu another time ;(

It was really light walking to the station, woo hoo the days are getting longer (I know an illusion as it's the same 24hrs!) and summer is on its way. Was thinking how the escalator habit is now entrenched incremental exercise. I've decided to find a liitle habit to start at the beginning of each month. For May I'm going to start dry body-brushing, it's something I've done sporadically but not enough to see if it's worth doing!

My upstairs neigbours have wooden floors and I used to shout at them to shut up when they would be clunking around or dropping things. I'm not sure they actually heard me I think it was more an emotional release for me! Anyway I've been intentionally learning not to give my power away by reacting to external circumstances but instead building my character by responding purposefully. I decided I would use this as my testing ground. So when they made noise I didn't shout I just thought about what might be causing the noise, or distracted myself by moving to another room or singing, although initially it was difficult because I was tempted to go back to my default setting. And now I don't react to it in fact it seems like they make less noise. The best thing is seeing that I can change my behaviour, I can change my 'default setting' if I persist long enough.

That's what we do when we continue to eat mainly or all raw, we are changing our default setting and after a time when we eat cooked or decide to satisfy a craving we may realise that it doesn't actually hit the spot anymore. Someone turned the dial!!

Persistence, never underestimate it.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cebeaatVcGY Something to wind down to.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...