
Wednesday 25 June 2008

Now, Now, Now

Food: 6 bananas, 2 small mangos, oj, salad of leaves, carrot and sweetcorn with a pesto dressing, a handful of organic cashews and almonds
Exercise: Escalators, long walk

I have this habit of checking out a book on Amazon and then I get reading the books that have been linked into that book, and then I'm far away from where I started and am reading the 50th rave review of yet another addition to my wishlist! I LOVE reading, learning and applying.

Now I got to reading reviews of a book called Being here:modern tales of enlightenment

I actually read the reviews on Amazon.com there were loads and all five stars. You can get a lot out of a well-written review;) I haven't read the book yet (although I will be shortly!) but already gleaned some wisdom, it's all about living life right now wherever you find yourself. It is so tempting and I have been there to be wanting to achieve goals in order to 'start' living. However listen up insight on it's way ;) the past is gone and we hope to see the future, but we definitely have now. Sooooo it makes sense to experience the joy, wisdom, peace, love and fulfilment now. And it's simply a choice. It would be great if this kind of stuff was taught in school it is empowering and liberating all at once.

Am noticing some changes in my eating habits I don't seem very drawn to green smoothies at present. I ate the mango just cut up into slices. Normally even though I really like mango, I would much rather smoothie it. Am also having nice long gaps between eating and stopping eating earlier. I'm enjoying my emotions even when they are not happy ones and catch myself thinking through what it really is I'm feeling etc. Interesting new development. Just realised something else, it's in the present that we change, that we are transformed.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...