
Sunday 22 June 2008

Having a Rest

Food: 2 bananas, orange and pineapple juice, bunch of grapes, some dates, small bag of cashews
Exercise: Escalators, long walk

I fasted yesterday, I'm back to my one day a week fasting . If you fast one day a week for a whole year, you are going without food for 14% of the year, imagine the rest you give your body not to mention the the ripple effect on your finances, the environment, the time you can spend on something else.. If you keep going at one day a week after seven years you would have fasted for the equivalent of one year imagine the rest and rejuvenation for the body.

I read a recommendation somewhere of one day a week, one week a month and one month a year.

This is not the same as starvation, or an eating disorder or being forced to go with out because there is no food. This is voluntary fasting from a place of love with the full understanding of what it means and what to expect. It has spiritual, physical and mental benefits.

Fasting is not something you just jump into, in the same way you don't just jump into running for a marathon, you train for it! First of all you prepare your mind, you read and learn about the discipline, then you start to practise e.g. with fasting start with one meal or snack time and monitor your feelings, your body etc. You can do this with support of a health practitioner.

I always find extended fasts much easier than one day fasts. The first day is the hardest it's that jarring between eating (sometimes continuously) and then not. But once you've relaxed into it it's very liberating, your mind becomes very focused. Initially there may be detox symptoms, depending on how you eat.

My little toes were sore from a pair of sandals I bought and yesterday the pain completely disappeared. I felt very peaceful too. Plus I had a real boost to my self-esteem for seeing it through.

I've been fasting regularly now for two years and a half years (sometimes water and sometimes with fresh juice). I'm really glad I did the training, and I still am training... It's a habit that can easily get lost because it's so contrary to modern lifestyles, but it's one I personally want to keep.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...