
Sunday 13 July 2008

Gaining Clarity

Exercise: Lots of walking
Food: 5 bananas, pineapple juice, guava and mandarin smoothie, bunch of grapes, a few dates, a large handful of pistachios, carrot, celery and sweetcorn salad

I've signed up for the 48 ways of wisdom from Aish.com. And one of them was explaining the importance of having clear definitions to be able to make correct evaluations of the results you see in your life.

For example many people say they are into healthy eating. But what do they mean by healthy eating? eating organic meat, being vegetarian, eating fruits? You have to research each area to find out the truth of the matter not simply what you believe to be the truth. Truth remember can stand on it's own merit, it is verifiable, it is does not need belief to stand it up. And so you go and do your research and find that actually meat is not a requirement for health in fact it can be a requirement for anti-health. Then of course you have the decision to eat it or not, both options equally valid. But both options giving different results either in the short term or the long term.

When you say you want to be fit what do you mean by fit? Why do you want to be fit? What is the best way to become fit? Are you committed (single-mindedly focussed). Do you know that fit is not the same as healthy? Fit simply means being able to achieve certain feats usually within certain time limits. It doesn't necessarily mean healthy eating and lifestyle habits are present. We've all done things through sheer force of will! Healthy and fit go together, one without the other is none at all.

Clarity brings consciousness which empowers commitment.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...