
Thursday 17 July 2008

It's All In The Fruit

Exercise: Brisk walking, some yoga
Food: 6 bananas, some dates, bunch of grapes, punnet of cherries, v large handful of mixed nuts, salad of baby spinach, cucumber and celery

You may have noticed I haven't been putting escalators up in my exercise for the day. Well I've decided to focus on doing more yoga on a daily basis. I still do the escalators but not all the time, but when I do stand it's because I'm reading a book. I refuse to just throw my time away!

At the moment I'm immersed in 'Left in The Dark' by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright. I'm nearly half way through and there's a lot of science involved.

'..cooking therefore represents one further step away from the ancestral diet that nurtured our brain growth. This new change accelerated the degeneration that had been slowly taking place over the preceding 200,000 yrs. A system, which was already on a downward slope, now constructed itself out of materials ever lacking in the biochemistry needed for healthy functioning.

I am convinced more than ever (not that I need convincing mind) that humans are frugivores i.e. fruit eaters and that if we are going to tap into the potential that God has blessed us with in any impactful way (when I say impactful way I mean character-changing, life-changing, world-changing, and generational change) then we won't be able to ignore this. Ghandi is an example of someone who radically changed his lifestyle to fulfil his purpose and the way he ate was a part of this.

I feel very stirred up inside because I know you and I are not here on earth in order to simply meet meet our needs, and get by. We are here to be ourselves fully and out of that being to impact generations through vision and mission.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...