
Sunday 5 September 2010

The Nurturers

We can always recognise more truth about nutrition..

Read two books on body types recently, The Body Code by Jay Cooper, and Dr Abravanel's Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan. I'm always reading nutrition books to see what wisdom lurks within (or not!). These two books rest on a similar premise, that we all fall broadly into four hormonal types, thyroid, gonadal, adrenal and pituitary (the Body Code refers to them as communicator, nurturer, warrior and visionary).

Interestingly both books highlight the nurturer/gonadal type as the ones most suited to a plant-based high water content way of eating (in the long term), but including small amounts of animal foods such as fish and non-fat dairy. Gonads (women only for this type, the other three types include men) are larger from the waist down and narrower from the waist up i.e. pear-shaped. 

The material could help you customise a raw diet that supports your health. I'm aware that some raw vegans have b12 issues, teeth issues, particularly teeth issues and others (which can be linked to lack of nutrients that can only be found in quality animal foods like B12, Vit D etc). This will affect certain body types more than others so do be aware. Raw (unpasteurised) dairy is a great way to get that extra vital nutrition and stay 100% raw if you want. If that's not available or you don't want to go there, check out wholefood supplementation (with your nutritionist/health support). I can recommend New Chapter Organics available through Iherb.com and at Planet Organic and Wholefoods. Pricey but effective, ethical and totally food based so your body recognises it as food, and can take what's needed. No chemical weird stuff.

What is your body type?

Dr. Abravanel's Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan  The Body Code: A Personal Wellness And Weight Loss Plan At The World Famous Green Valley Spa

The Body Code: A Personal Wellness And Weight Loss Plan At The World Famous Green Valley Spa

Dr. Abravanel's Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...