
Sunday 10 August 2008

Lovely Synchronicities

Juice: Orange/celery juice
Exercise: Yoga, dry-skin brushing
Results so far: very smooth skin, since I started my fast the shoulder that I strained has gotten better each day. From waking with it feeling very stiff before the fast, on just the first day I woke and it wasn't the first thing that caught my attention. Bowel movements (BMs practically everyday). Some mucous release via throat. Very high mental clarity.

I am 8 days in to my annual summer fast (abstaining from solids, just fresh juice and water) and cleanse! I am full of energy although yesterday felt really drowsy. For me I've found every seven days the cleansing seems to go up a level. As part of my commitment I'm running everyday (I rested today), doing yoga everyday and dry-skin brushing everyday to rev up the lymph drainage system. I'm also doing some reading before I leave for work. When I run I do a running meditation, just focusing on and repeating one phrase the whole way. It probably sounds counterintuitive but I have even more energy than when I'm eating solid foods. Which proves the point that food doesn not give us energy, food provides fuel and material for repair and construction. Our (nerve) energy is replenished through sleep.

It feels great to start each day this way. And good to hit the end of the first week milestone. It's been a very busy week and had a two day awayday so had to plan in advance re what to do at lunchtimes to avoid drawing attention to myself. But when you decide and commit to something, an answer always come through. And everything worked out plus I took my own juice with me.

So many synchronicities have been happening as well. When synchronicities (lots of meaningful connected happenings) it shows you are on your path and not out of 'sync'. I had been thinking about being able to buy all my fruit and veg organic. I buy some things organic at the moment like carrots and smaller items. And I also wanted to find a nice organic delivery company so I don't have to carry too much as well, and begin to see more of my vision manifest. I'd looked at a couple of the well known ones but I didn't feel 'drawn' to them. So left it for a while knowing that it would come.

Then I was thinking about possibly doing a mainly orange juice fast. I came across the cute site through reading one of my raw school emails. http://www.fruitgod.com/index.html and Anne had done an orange juice fast which made me think aha!.

Then I decided to have another search for organic delivery companies and found this!

Immediately I was drawn to them, before I explored what they had to offer. Then I saw they sold juicing oranges! I stepped out in faith and put my first order in and yesterday (yes, they do Saturday deliveries!) I returned home to a box of fresh, fragrant organic oranges. The customer service over the phone was great (can also order online). I resonated with their 'reason for being' and I hope to buy more organic from them. To top it off in the newsletter that came with the box, their was a short article how I think it's the owners, went to on holiday to Cornwall to stay with friends who ate only raw foods, how cool is that?! And then (yes, there is more) there a mini profile on Saf raw restaurant which I've not only visited but is down the road from where I work! Happy to be connected to a business that gets my lifestyle.

Also Planet Organic has opened in Mossy Well. Do you think I'm being set up!

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...