
Sunday 3 August 2008

It's Just an Emotion

Exercise: yoga
Food: fresh juice (apple/spinach/lime)


I have been immersed in books. I'm reading 'Left in the dark', 'The writings of Florence Scovel Shinn', 'Being Here', 'Changes that Heal' and 'Calling in the One'.

I've also been thinking about when you start to eat raw, how important it is that you also learn about emotional poise and dealing with the 'stuff' that is exposed when you stop hiding it and numbing it with cooked food. And boy does it come out! In fact eating raw is the best when you are ready for change on all levels, it's more fun and things complement each other. E.g. eating raw helped my fasting practice, and my fasting practice made me more inclined to eat raw. Eating raw made me more grateful to God for understanding what true health is. And drawing closer to God has made me more courageous to be me, to step out find truth and act on it. And so it goes on..

Here is a video (in five parts) from Professor Rozalind Gruben- Graham who eats an all raw vegan diet, is married to Dr Doug Graham well know author of the 80 10 10 way of eating raw. They have a toddler age daughter who is the cutest. They had a picnic and seminar yesterday here in the UK but unfortunately I couldn't make it. Anyway after that long intro! Here is the video.. really makes you think about the way we do things, and hopefully make changes!!


I've been eating more nuts of late. But I feel the effect the next day while I feel fine during the day I don't want to get up in the morning. I note these effects and what I'm feeling. At this stage this is fine, but I'm open to letting nuts fade out to the right levels, but I'm not forcing the issue. It's like when I first went raw I kept wanting crisps even though I hardly ate crisps when I ate cooked vegan! I just kept immersing myself in quality raw food material, knowing that as long as I was open to letting crisps go, they would go at the right time. Now if I were to look at crisps I do 'feel' my mind running ahead to say no. Basically the message that crisps do not serve me or my health goals is embedded in my subconscious now. This is part of what Prof Roz says but much better than me! Happy watching.

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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...