
Monday 9 November 2009

The Future of Farming

And three months later...! Time flies etc etc

I'm back again! Hope all is well with you all.. I even had a couple of comments waiting for me which was lovely.

I'm really into going to farmers markets at the moment..well the past couple of months at least (yes that's where I've been). It will probably sound a bit worthy but I find it a very satisfying activity! Actually meeting people face to face who grow, pick, rear or gather food. It's great to be able to chat with them, it's quite humbling too. It's also fun to be eating more seasonal foods, investing in local farming, and being in the fresh air even when it's pouring with rain!

Recent purchases include raspberries, apples, pears, squash, mushrooms (from a guy who sold about six different varieties!), pastured chicken and beef liver. I think I am going to have to change the blog name to real and raw, as I'm not advocating an exclusively plant based diet, or exclusively raw. But I do think those elements should be the foundation with the addition of quality sourced animal products, and carefully prepared cooked food. But we get to choose in line with our needs. For example a 100% plant based raw diet can be very cleansing for a period of time as I have found, and for others it's been a lifeline to healing. But it's not necessarily for a life time and not necessarily for everybody. I'm finding there is an art to getting the most out of a meal nutritionally, and it's a good thing too. When you learn the principles you realise you can make choices that fit your values and needs from a wide range of cuisines.

I am convinced there isn't one 'right' way of eating per se except that we all need to be getting a variety of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals, fibre and phytonutrients basically from our foods in a way that promotes health in our body and also is enjoyable. And what this might look like on a plate will vary across the world. It will be dependent on availablity, personal biology, seasons, climate, healing processes and so on. But nevertheless would be described as real food. More later.

I've leave you with this inspiring documentary about the future of farming split into five videos on you tube. The garden farm .. amazing.


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London lass, urban dweller, raw adventurer, nature-lover, much travelled, truth-seeker ...